Morning Thanks

Garrison Keillor once said we'd all be better off if we all started the day by giving thanks for just one thing. I'll try.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Worshipping at Zion

I hardly dare to say it, but I found Zion National Park a bit, well, busy. I happened to be there mid-week, mid-April, at a time when I'd guessed things wouldn't have been so thickly peopled, but Zion is Zion, one of the really great national parks, one of America's all-time favorites--fourth place favorite, I'm told, a place that even on off-days, draws a crowd. 

I was passing through, if anyone can actually do that in a state as magnificent as Utah, so, like an idiot, I hadn't planned ahead. The woman at the state info desk in St. George offered some immediate sympathy for the fact that I could no longer get a shuttle ticket, but, she said, if I'd watch my phone at 5:00 that afternoon, I could try to secure a ticket for the next day, the day I already had planned. I was on the road.

"You can drive through," she said blessedly, as if I'd been rescued from sin. So I did. I drove back and forth, snapping shots of the place named by its first white resident as "Zion," a place apart, a rugged, red canyon for meditation, a place for awe.

Mountains--even generic mountains--take your breath away if you're a flatlander. They're massive, but almost entirely useless. I suppose there may be some minerals in these canyon walls, but cutting them up for whatever reason would be sacrilege--it's Zion, remember.  Spend a couple hours at Zion and Teddy Roosevelt will find his way into your thanks.

I have no doubt that my way of visiting Zion, simply driving through, is not the way to visit; but even if you can't get a shuttle ticket, a couple hour's worth of the place, even if you never leave the road, is not to be missed. You can find a way, I'm sure, to worship at Zion.

1 comment:

jfschuu said...

Lovely and stirring pictures. We camped for a couple of hot August days. Rode the bike trails and managed tickets on the trolley. A fantastic and worshipful experience