Morning Thanks

Garrison Keillor once said we'd all be better off if we all started the day by giving thanks for just one thing. I'll try.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Springfield, June 16, 1858

Watched a little Lou Dobbs last night because it's always good to see how the other half lives. If you don't watch him all the time (and you don't have a place in his court), what he's up to, night after night, can seem bloody horrifying. Some agencies of the federal government, backed up by the evil George Soros, the mainstream media, and the tech giants, have engineered an assault on the beaches of the Trump presidency with such force and numbers that anything from World War II seems like kids in a sandbox.

It's a coup, really, an outright rebellion against the law and the Constitution, and by agents of discord and division, liberal dems. The Russia thing was a hoax, the impeachment sheer nonsense. Now, this treacherous cabal of treasonous, commies and their hosts of Antifa buddies have jimmied the computers enlisted to tally vote counts, just to make sure that "this President" would be denied the second-term he so righteously deserves.

In Covid news, Dobbs' version lauded Trump's devotion to the American people via Project Warp Speed, which is now readying an astonishing national program of 350 million Americans with any one of two or three wonder drugs the President's determined energy has conjured.

We don't spend much time with sweet Lou or Hannity, with Tucker or Laura, just crack the door of the church once in a while to see or hear what's happening in the sanctuary. In the church down the block, where we normally attend, the congregation was singing from an altogether different hymnal.

To be sure, there was just as much praise for the scientists who've created possible antidotes for Covid, but no one sang the President's praise. CNN and MSNBC put a lot of numbers up on the screen--a record number of positives yesterdays, of hospitalizations, and deaths--a string of incredible numbers that Dobbs didn't bother bringing up. You could say we're rounding the curve if you have absolutely no idea how huge the curve is.

Yesterday's other big story was Rudy G's hair-coloring running down both sides of his face during a press conference at the headquarters of the Republican National Committee, a news conference which, oddly enough, featured zero party officials. Dobbs didn't mention Rudy or his bizarre performance. Anderson Cooper called the whole thing "a clown show," then apologized to clowns. Cooper didn't have to say much really; yesterday was one of those news days when a picture was worth a thousand words.

What President Trump is up to with this his own two-week self-imposed lock down is either a determined quest for justice against the formidable powers of hell (Dobbs) or a dingbat hissy fit (most anyone from opposing networks). Seems Americans are either are greatly taken with the man's stubborn strength of character or have decided a week ago already that the man should have been stuck in a corner with a dunce hat. Trump is either the Angel Gabriel or a Brigadier General in Satan's minions.

Just for the record, Abraham Lincoln didn't pull the famous phrase out of his hat. He found it in the Bible, but he could have jotted it down from other sources as well, including Saint Augustine. When he stepped up to the podium at Springfield, Illinois, on June 16, 1858, he did so to accept the Illinois Republican Party's nomination for a U. S. Senate seat. He wasn't blind to what he and everyone else were seeing: slavery was threatening the Union in ways the century-old government had never experienced. Kansas was aflame. The raised fists of Southern states were unmistakably threatening.

"I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free," he said. "I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided," he claimed, because "it will become all one thing or all the other."
Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction; or its advocates will push it forward, till it shall become lawful in all the States, old as well as new — North as well as South.
That was the context of a speech whose central line is sewn into just about everyone's sense of the American story, and that single line, or so it seems to me, has, sadly enough, sharp and immediate relevance.

"A house divided against itself cannot stand."

I have no idea how we get beyond this. No idea.


Anonymous said...

"A picture is worth a thousand words". Is that why there were no cameras clicking until the *very moment* Rudy G wiped the sweat from his forehead? Go ahead and watch it again----RAPID CLICK-FIRE. What "clowns" the media are. Then a while later, brow wipe....CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK! Please go back and watch. There was nothing clown-esque about this. Is that your rebuttal? His hair coloring (or whatever) dripped down his face? What about the claims? No comment on those? What if they're real? Still a clown-show? The room was FILLED with people (watch the ending), and there was a light shining over his head....and wow, he sweat! Who cares W T F Anderson C has to say? How high are his ratings---up to Headline News' 20-year old reruns of Forensic Files? Give me a break.

Anonymous said...


J. C. Schaap said...

Okay, Anon #1, I just read Peggy Noonan. But then, maybe she's a RINO.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1 & 2 here ---
oh Boomer.............. the naivety runs thick in your generation.
i thank God i had "the Greatest Generation" in my life growing up. Boomers...

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anonymous 1. Rudy is being abused. I mean, he turned our attention to what really matters--the fact that Biden stole the election--and, like he did when the twin towers went down, he's right in the thick of things. He's not afraid to say it like it is. Now, he doesn't offer a stitch of evidence that election fraud occurred. And the recounts he demanded have shown that Biden won. But THAT DOESN'T MATTER!!! What matters is that Rudy is right's right. Sure, he backs up nothing, spouts false claims, reserves the wrong Four Seasons, but hey, we all need to know where landscapers are when we need help with our gardens. And when he asked that actress in the Borat movie for her address and phone number while he crawled onto a bed, it was so he could visit her to talk about her spiritual life. It wasn't about sex. Noooooooo, not at all. Go Rudy!!

Anonymous said...

"Rudy is being abused"


Good one!

No, Rudy is abusing and debasing himself.

Anonymous said...

Hold on to your Depends, you Dirty-Dog Democrats!
OH WAIT, I mean "Pro-Life Conservative Calvinists who voted for 0b@ma and B1den" hahahahahahahahahaha that really makes me LMAO, ROFLMAO.

Did you Dingbat Democrats watch today's Pennsylvania hearing with military information warfare/psyop specialists and commanding officers/forensic experts? (Like that matters, most of you received deferments anyway I'm sure.) WHAT, THERE WERE NO MAKE-UP GAFFES FOR CLOWN NEWS TO UPDATE YOU ON??

I hope the students and their parents ask for refunds from you pseudo-intellectuals.
Where is your discernment?

Dirty-dog dumpster-fire Democrats destroyed our churches and our schools but you won't destroy our country. Keep your eyes peeled, more coming. This is just the beginning. One state so far is all, y'all!