Morning Thanks

Garrison Keillor once said we'd all be better off if we all started the day by giving thanks for just one thing. I'll try.

Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Looking for beauty--Looking hard


It's a dusky, tawny world out there these days, the entire landscape in khaki. It's not colorless exactly. You've got to do what you can to find a little "something other"--like these lost, yellowing leaves caught in a thin glaze of ice. 

Otherwise, as far as you can see in every direction, the world earth-toned, faded and flat and gray. Not much to light up a page. The world's an old softball field.

So you look for something, anything to break the endless monotony. 

What grabs your is the goldenrod, color long gone but what it brings to naked prairie is something almost pet-like, tall and furry. 

Spindly goldenrod walks out of the landscape, a subject you can toy with anyway.

It's always there--beauty, I mean. But some days you simply have to work to find it. Yesterday, the skies were luscious, the wisps of snow long gone. Still, through a lens right now, the world outside my window requires more than just a quick look. It's a basic rule of life, I suppose: honestly and truly, you have to look for beauty. You have to work hard to find it in the autumn prairie.

Maybe this morning especially, the big election still a puzzle, I have to look for beauty, search for grace.


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