Morning Thanks

Garrison Keillor once said we'd all be better off if we all started the day by giving thanks for just one thing. I'll try.

Friday, April 03, 2020

Day #22

He IS a marvel. Of that, there's no doubt. Love him or hate him--there's no one else quite like him. If Republicans believe Brother Pence will pick up the reigns once the Prince of Orange leaves the stage, they're sadly mistaken. No one can, so no one will. We will not again find a man whose claim that he never had to be forgiven for anything is not just a part of his show, it's part of his character. And it's a marvel. He's a marvel.

He addicted to accolades, needs adoration the way the rest of us need oxygen. His patented two-hour rallies get shut down by a killer virus, and he simply takes over afternoon television, two hours, sometimes more, as if he can't get enough of him. 

He requires enemies, rabid opposition. If he doesn't have them, he creates them. He nurtures enemies. Never has there been a President who, from Day 1, worked so hard at widening the chasm between liberal and conservative ("American Carnage"). These days he seems to choose which hospitals to help, which states to bless. 

He's a wonder, a marvel. Networks scramble to know how to deal with his presence. A national--no, an international--catastrophe is all around. He is the President. America is sore afraid. So am I. We're human. We look for leaders in a crisis unlike any in anyone's lifetime, and the POTUS turns daily news conferences into a variety show because above all else, glory and honor and power belong to him. 

He has a captive audience, but that's not enough. Just to be sure, he lets the nation know that Mark Zuckerburg told him he--the POTUS--"was number one on Facebook" too. 

He's our President, although he's made it clear that the buck never stops at his desk, always someone else's--the hospital hoarders, nurses who don't share face masks, ungrateful governors, and, of course, fake news, the enemy of the people. If someone repeats what he said just three weeks ago--that this China virus thing will magically disappear, that soon enough it will all just go away--he just denies saying any such thing. 

"I could shoot somebody dead on Fifth Avenue and not lose voters," he told his gang at a gig just down the road. As far as they know, he hasn't. Not yet. But I don't think they'd care.

And that's not fake news.

He IS a marvel.


Anonymous said...

Nancy P hasn't been exactly a model of civility also.

Larry DeGroot said...

Yes he is a Marvel. God placed him here in this position for such a time as this.

Retired said...

Your inconsistent logic continues.

Your support for pro-abortion candidates and positions undermines your entire argument. Why should we believe you when you talk about your fear of COVID-19? Death is death. If the abortion clinics followed the stay at home orders for one month more lives would be saved than the COVID 19 virus would take. Your selective outrage is deafening.

ronvdm said...

"God placed him here...." What? Why? To lie?

Verlyn de wit said...

I don’t get it. Does the comment “for such a time as this “ sanctify everything? Did Mr.DeGroot say the same when Obama was president or when Hitler killed his millions? Everything since creation happened in time and at the time appointed by God. I don’t see how that gives Trump any cover.

Retired said...

Joseph's brothers sold him out and he ended up in Egypt "for such a time as this" (famine). God used Joseph to mitigate the effects of the famine. Trump is a "marvel" and is being used to address COVID-19. Who needs cover?

ronvdm said...

He needs cover because he dithers in everything but what panders to his ego. Using news conferences about a tragedy to promote himself for the next election certainly is proof that he needs cover. do the rest of his toadies.

Retired said...

It is interesting that you accuse Trump of "promoting himself for the next election " and I say,so what? What do you expect? The proof is in the pudding, either COVID-19 is defeated or it is not. Pull the lever in November. All you are accomplishing right now is murmuring. You are giving Trump the very attention you don't want him to have.

Button said...

It matters that Trump uses EVERY opportunity to promote himself because he is an egotistic person through and through. He has no empathy for anyone but himself and his attmepts to appease Christians with his fake stance on abortion (he could not give a definite answer to a reporter who asked him if he had ever funded one) is just embarrassing. Christians are giving themselves a bad name by supporting this man.