Morning Thanks

Garrison Keillor once said we'd all be better off if we all started the day by giving thanks for just one thing. I'll try.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

And then there was Joe

Trump says it was a coup. Trump says enough high-flying vigilante Dems got together and pushed Biden out of office by telling him he was going to lose to Trump and take all manner of Dems along down-ballot. Trump says it was a nasty thing to do, which is interesting, coming from a schoolyard bully, someone who seems to reserve that word, nasty, for tough women.  

Well, I've got news--Trump is a gas bag. It's sweet of him for suddenly taking kindly to Joe Biden, a man he named almost daily as the worst president in American history--how did he put it?--"the Biden family syndicate" or something like that. That Trump should care for Joe Biden is a sweet gesture.

But then, Biden was beatable--Trump might have said. After all, when Biden was the old man, it was just plain fun to watch him get off a plane and hope he tripped. That debate was plain-and-simple disaster: President Biden looked so enfeebled that all Trump had to do is shrug his shoulders at the President's babbling. Trump enjoyed that game--Trump vs. Biden.

But then Nancy Pelosi and the other lefty communists in San Francisco and New York and elsewhere got together and told Biden to clear out the oval office. They threw a party and got rid of the old guy, which was a nasty thing to do.

Is that the way it went? Maybe so. Maybe enough loyal Dems quietly and secretly let the oldest candidate for President know that it was time for him to hang up his spurs and let the young guys run the cattle. Maybe there was a parade. Maybe Biden simply got sick of opening the door and seeing some other familiar face bearing that sickening gracious smile. Maybe he got sick of thinking it himself: it was time to go.

It's the kind of question that pundits will argue for decades: was President Joe Biden run out of town, or did he choose to go? Talk amongst yourselves.

I don't know that the question was answered last night either, whether anyone could finalize a report. All I know is that there were more tears shed at last night's celebration of the gifts of Joe Biden than could have been collected in a month of Republican conventions. His daughter introduces him, and when he walks out on the stage in Chicago, the guy bawls his eyes out because of. . .because of what? because it was his daughter greeting him? because he knew--as did everyone--that this was the last dance?

You know what? I'll tell you my answer. Up there on stage, before an entire nation, Joe Biden cried because he couldn't help but know that his daughter loved him. That's the big deal in his mind and consciousness, and that's the reason he'll go down in American history as one of the most productive Presidents ever. He honestly and truly cares about such things. It's why people adore him, why people believe in him, why he leaves office in an act of selfless political courage and strength almost totally unheard of.

Last night, a night full of tears, gave tribute to Joe Biden, who loved his country more--much more--than he loved himself. In what will without a doubt eventually be labeled "the Trump Era," putting America before self, as Biden did, is a treasure.

I loved the tears last night, all of them. Tim Walz bawled all night long, and then there was Joe. 

And then there was Joe.



Button said...

I even had a few tears. Maybe it was for the man, maybe for the hope that our political system will hold up, and maybe for the hope that Trump will not be around to nourish the divisiveness that hat affected us all in so many ways.

J. C. Schaap said...

They weren't hard to shed--last night either.

Anonymous said...

Biden said, “The ancient Greeks taught us that character is destiny. Character is destiny. For me and Jill, we know Kamala and Doug are people of character.”

Not to be a stickler, but Doug cheated on his first wife with his kids’ nanny and got her pregnant, while Kamala had an open affair with a married man, Willie Brown.

Someone at the Biden Brain Trust might want to do a Google search on the word “character.”


Anonymous said...

I sure wish for some mean tweets, no tampons in my grandson's school bathrooms, $2.00 gasoline and $5.00 bacon.

Anonymous said...

A selfless, humble man. We loved him.