Morning Thanks

Garrison Keillor once said we'd all be better off if we all started the day by giving thanks for just one thing. I'll try.

Wednesday, August 07, 2024


Turns out, Sunday, I spent most of the day just a stones' throw away from West Point, Nebraska, having no clue whatsoever that by Tuesday morning the entire world would read "West Point" in boldface above the fold. Just now, I checked out the on-line edition of the West Point News, where the big story was a West Point couple off to Canada to shoot a bear (hasn't been updated). In case you're wondering, West Point is not all that far from Beemer or Scribner or Bancroft.

If that doesn't help, google it, like I did. 

What must be true down there in northeast Nebraska is that folks who watched TV yesterday have to be dang proud that West Point got more mentions than West Hollywood. Should the Dems win in November, one of their own, by birth anyway, will be right there in the center of world affairs, VP to candidate Kamala Harris, her absolutely stunning choice.

Who would have guessed a kid from Nebraska, a grad of Chadron State, way out west, could come as close as he has to being the most powerful pol in the world. Never went to Harvard. Never went to Yale. Just won over voters with the kind of winning personality Middle Border people like to believe comes factory equipped on all-American, small-town kids, a man who calls J D Vance and his orange running mate "weird" and who says that where he grew up if people didn't like what you were doing, you just told them to "Mind their own damned business."

VP Harris pulled up Tim Walz as her running mate yesterday, and most of America's first reaction was "Sure, who was that again"? Walz, as everyone knows a day later, is the Gov of Minnesota, the state he served for a dozen years in Washington. He spent 20+ years in high school classrooms and football fields, where he was much loved. He ran for office, he says, because his students urged him to.

His agenda is straight Democratic, edging leftward, but in demeanor and character the Orange Wierdo can hardly sell Tim Walz as a commie. My goodness, the guy hunts deer and loves the Vikings. He's got guns but rips the NRA. He's Lutheran. The Donald says a vote for him--and them--means the end of America. 

You've got to be sensory stricken to believe that horse s__t.

What's more, he's got a winning personality. Like VP Kamala, he smiles well, and it's not practiced. Comes naturally to both of them. From his inauguration way back  in 2016, Trump's forecast for America was doom and gloom--remember "American carnage stops right here"? It seems it didn't. Today, the line is as tired as an old hat.

Today the New York grifter and his unsteady-as-he-goes sidekick face off against a man from the middle of the country, by birth a Siouxlander in fact, a man so Minnesota-Nice that he's barely touchable by anything in Trump's abrasive tool kit.

I think Walz is a tremendous choice, but then I'm a believer in identity politics, and I love nothing better right now than having someone from the neighborhood up there churning for votes, lighting up the dais wherever he goes, and burning anything orange in his way.

Yes, yesterday was a great, great day.   


Anonymous said...

Amen,,, Brother.

Anonymous said...

When Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz chose to leave the military on the eve of his deployment to Iraq, Thomas Behrends went in his place.

“I needed to hit the ground running and take care of the troops — and tell them we were going to war,” Behrends said of the 500 soldiers under his command. “For a guy in that position, to quit is cowardice.”

Behrends, a 63-year-old farmer in Brewster, Minn., called the Democratic vice presidential candidate “a traitor”


Anonymous said...

Jerry, Mega Dittos! Tim Walz is a poster child for STOLEN VALOR!

Anonymous said...

And Donald Trump didn’t avoid military service? Are you kidding?

Anonymous said...

In Sparta the honor of being a warrior was limited to the fathers of 2 sons.

A viable society has no shortage of warriors.
