Morning Thanks

Garrison Keillor once said we'd all be better off if we all started the day by giving thanks for just one thing. I'll try.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020


I turned it off. 

I cringed at the outset, when it was clear that Trump brought a despicable strategy to the game, something called chaos. It took five minutes, no more, and the whole thing veered into the ditch, where it stayed, muddy and broken and burning. 

Anyone who votes for this man, who backs the madness on stage last night is as perfectly out of balance as he is. We--America--has never, ever had a President anywhere near as demented. I cringed for twenty minutes and then had enough. I turned it off. It was painful, as everyone says this morning. Prime time was outfitted in sheer agony. 

Last night, someone made the point that Donald Trump is the abuser some of us always believed him to be. Last night, he wasn't abusing women, he was abusing Joe Biden. What's worse--what's far worse--is that he was abusing Chris Wallace. He hunted--and subsequently abused the whole idea of a debate. That wasn't a debate. It was jungle ball. Last night, the President of the United States abused the United States, abused a system of government we call democracy. He abused us. He abused the nation.

It's impossible to overstate what was painfully obvious: the man proved himself to be what everyone, even Republicans, said was true on the march up to the 2016 election. Donald J. Trump is unfit to be President. Period. End. Of. Sentence.

Honestly, if I were on the Biden team, I'd advise simply saying that the debates are over. This was not a debate. A debate is two people with contrary views wielding them as well as they can in an effort to make them stick, to make them grow, in order to make the country, the nation, the culture grow. Donald Trump had no interest in a debate. All he cared about was himself.

He must go. Our way of life is at stake. 


Anonymous said...


Trump went full Captain Queeg.

One of the news networks said she was receiving emails from Republicans saying that the way Trump acted is the way he is, day in and day out.

He's done. Stick a fork in him.

Button said...

Amen! I turned it off too. I can't believe that anyone would support this man, no matter how much they think the Supreme Court will be his (their) saving grace.

Anonymous said...

"He must go. Our way of life is at stake."

My niece Ingrid got to pick out her favorite bedtime book to read for the night: "Donald Drains the Swamp". She loves it!

It might be hard -- throwing the Donald down the Orwellian memory hole.
