Morning Thanks

Garrison Keillor once said we'd all be better off if we all started the day by giving thanks for just one thing. I'll try.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Character is on the ballot

I'm an old white guy, an old evangelical white guy. If we play identity politics, I should be one of those who claims no one should listen to what the President says, just look, in awe and reverence, at what he does. You know the line. 

I should be one of those who says, if you don't like the President's sins, remember King David, outright adulterer and murderer, who was still in God's estimation "the man closest to my heart." Think Trump.

A retired white guy like me should feel his heartstrings sing when he hears anyone saying "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN." I should love rallies, love Trump's naughty-boy comedy, love him. If we play identity politics, my heart should swell with the memory of Melania hanging the Congressional Medal of Honor around the neck of (deep breath) Rush Limbaugh.

But count me among those who believe that four more years of Donald Trump will put American Democracy at deep risk. He lies. He lies and lies and lies. Democracy can not flourish when its leadership has no regard at all for the truth. 

This morning it appears that Joe Biden will be the Dem's candidate in this year's Presidential sweepstakes. Biden rode into town out of almost nowhere after an unforeseen huge win in South Carolina, where African-American voters saved his candidacy by believing him. What people of color all over this nation find unmistakably clear is that Trump is, in his heart, racist. They see something completely different in Joe Biden.

This interchange is five minutes long. If you've got the time, watch it. You wonder how it is that people of color love Joe Biden?-- listen in. But more, listen to character speak.

That's why I'll vote for Joe Biden. Donald Trump will pull out all the stops--scream out that Joe is senile, corrupt, and a liar, repeat it a thousand times into some cute mantra for his minions to chant. Donald Trump has a doctorate in ad hominem attacks: "Lock her up," "Pocahantas," "Low Energy Jeb," "Lyin' Hillary," "Little Marco," "Little Mike," "Lyin' Ted." He brands people, then stokes crowds until they scream his smears back to him. 

When Joe Biden says this election will be about America's soul, Donald Trump has no idea what he's talking about.

But it'll be ugly. Count on it--it'll be dirty, rotten ugly.

Biden's not wrong. In 2020, character is on the ballot. 


jdb said...

Thanks for including the video clip. It brought tears to my eyes. This is the Joe Biden that can bring us together.

Anonymous said...

i guess you only put up pro Joe

Retired said...

There is an elephant in the room. In Biden's case, it might be a whole herd. Hunter's love affair with Burisma, China, and cocaine is just a start. Sleepy Joe sold his influence for this prodigal and rightly has Mueller saving him a seat at the senior center. Too many senior moments lately. I hope he is elected to the 'Senate'.

Sadly, I wish I were exaggerating.