Morning Thanks

Garrison Keillor once said we'd all be better off if we all started the day by giving thanks for just one thing. I'll try.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

In hiding

At least there's no more melanoma on my nose. I'm self-quarantined because I'm quite sure if I'd go out on the street I'd scare the women and the horses. 

The doctor worked over my bulbous nose (her description and she meant it as a compliment) for some time yesterday and left a scar. For a man who's carried a huge one on his cheek for 70 years, this one should be little more than an update. But, like I said, one short look in a mirror suggests clearly that I shouldn't be seen for a while.

She claims her blessed handiwork will make me handsome again, but I've always been skeptical of miracles. 

We'll see. If you don't see me around for a while, I'm in hiding.

Meanwhile, if you know any miracle cures, don't hesitate.



Unknown said...


I've tried to answer you at the email address from which you sent your query - but it bounces back on me. Please give me an address that will work for me (computer illiterate). Thanks.

Bill Kennedy

Deeviant1103 said...

Wow - I hope it isn’t as painful as it looks. I don’t know about scaring women and horses, but it could give your grandchildren pause. Here’s hoping you heal quickly and well.

J. C. Schaap said...

Looks more fearful this morning, Dee--now I've got a nice shiner on one side and some dramatic eye shadow on the other.

Retired said...

Praying for you. Trusting that you will heal quickly.