Morning Thanks

Garrison Keillor once said we'd all be better off if we all started the day by giving thanks for just one thing. I'll try.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Saturday Morning Catch--Monarchial

Their table manners are atrocious, their cuisine obscene. 

In a group, they're more bullies than birds, and their singing is anything but. 

No matter. Our bald eagles are royalty, 
and no matter where they roam--
on land, in trees, or in the skies, 
their pure majesty makes you want to bow.


Unknown said...

Eagles are also believers in "the other white meat." Good photos of our national bird in an ambiguous cafeteria.

Anonymous said...

In Wisconsin we have a cable channel that mounted a camera in a tree holding an eagle's nest. When I last saw this year's eagle nest they were sitting on 3 eggs. it is a close-up and personal shot all the time.

A few years ago I heard of a similar set-up. The sad part was, for a time, they had to turn off the camera. One of the eagles brought a poodle to the nest with it's leash on... hogs or dogs they do not discriminate.

Anonymous said...

Out here in the PNW these majestic birds abound. They roost in the fir trees around our son's farm and one day, spying the family cat asleep in the warm sun, swooped down and snatched him right from the back porch! Sad grandkkds!