Morning Thanks

Garrison Keillor once said we'd all be better off if we all started the day by giving thanks for just one thing. I'll try.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Who's on First?

Pardon me for hiccupping, but I'm not altogether sure how to view the present age. AI presents its difficulties to a man my age, as does almost any new twist in how my phone or my watch functions--not to mention this wonderful machine presently spitting out letters I hope somehow make sense.

Another change, maybe not whackier but a world bigger, is the realignment that the present administration is advancing. In a really vaguely worded resolution this week, the UN voted to condemn Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. You remember?-- for several days, maybe weeks, Putin set out thousands of troops along their mutual border. It looked for all the world as if an invasion was imminent. 

Putin warned the world not to jump to ridiculous conclusions, told the US and all of NATO to cool its jets because he would certainly never do anything of the sort. 

And then he did.

He said he'd take over Kiev in three days. That was three years and hundreds of thousands of deaths ago. 

Let's be clear here: Russia invaded Ukraine. 

So said the UN resolution, and all the free world voted for it--to condemn Russia for its invasion of the Ukraine.

You'll think I'm kidding if you don't know the story. I'm not. The list of dissenters--those who voted against the resolution to condemn Russia for its invasion of Ukraine were Iran--makes sense--China--yes, of course--North Korea--they've even sent troops--and the U. S. of A.

Let me tell it to you straight. The land of the free and the home of the brave sided with the world's brashest authoritarians and commies. Remember our President, then a candidate, prating about how we need to take back the gov from all the lousy stinking atheist communists, the lefties, the libs? It was, you may remember, a favorite chorus from the Trump grand opera. 

Well, now the Orange man signed up with the Reds. Trump's a commie. Write it in your diaries because it's plain as day truth: Trump's a commie. 

I was 77 years old last week, and i must admit that keeping up with change is getting to be more of a battle every day. Microsoft tells me I can get a whole new system with dramatic new options, and I get weary.

Maybe it's  just me, but the idea that we signed on the dotted line with Iran, North Korea, China, and Russia, while our old allies--England, France, the Netherlands, and everybody else in the free world called a spade and spade and condemned Russia for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of  people, the idea itself is just out there somewhere beyond my imagination.

But Trump and that gadzillion-aire with 13 kids and four wives--they're going to take care of us, aren't they?

Aren't they?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I am embarrassed to be an American right now. I never thought I would say that, but I am. And the Republicans and most Christians say nothing.