Morning Thanks

Garrison Keillor once said we'd all be better off if we all started the day by giving thanks for just one thing. I'll try.

Thursday, November 05, 2020

Consider me bananas

And so we're sentenced to live in limbo for the time being, to inhabit a purgatory that stretches wide between two polar opposites--in one world, number 45 is history; in the other he continues to man the bully pulpit and tweet zingers like that one, and worse. It's entirely possible we've had other Presidents who have hated large segments of the American populace, but we've never another who came anywhere close to the vitriol he's spewed in the last four years. The man has a very special gift for making enemies.

The New York Times claims Donald J. Trump continues to drive elites (like me, presumably) wildly bananas, and it's true. It's beyond the reaches of whatever intellect this fourscore-and-ten retiree has left to grasp his worshipful appeal. Yesterday, the nation set a record for new cases of the coronavirus--100,000 American citizens--and the President of the United States, as always, would have us pretend it isn't there--"we're rounding the curve." He promised a crowd last week that he'd fire the nation's leading immunological expert once we're past November 3rd. He could, today, carry out that promise, and no one would be surprised.

I don't understand how 84% of my neighbors could cast their votes for a man whose lies are a legend, a crook who promised to clear the swamp but instead created his own, a bully whose behavior they would not tolerate in their own children. I don't understand, and never will.

If it's abortion, then the man delivered, didn't he? By God's own divine hand, you might say, the President was blessed with the three wide-open opportunities to replace Supreme Court justices; and he followed up on his pledge and delivered three nominations with shiny bright conservative credentials. I thought maybe half of that 84% would abandon him, given that their motivation for voting for him in was now history. No. Instead, more of my neighbors voted for him. 

I don't understand. It's altogether possible he'll go to jail when he leaves office. He still hasn't released his taxes, but then he doesn't pay 'em. We may well have had other Presidents who were so promiscuous in crime, but not in my lifetime. 

I'll disappoint his maddening crowd in the county for saying this, but I for one, a voice calling in the wilderness, hope Sleepy Joe brings Nevada home today and finishes off what's left in Arizona or Pennsylvania or Georgia. I know his Sleepiness could lose, but it's a tougher slog for Prince of Orange to once again take the oath of office. 

I never did admire Trump, never liked him at all. I've got Trump Derangement Syndrome. Why? He gained his political foothold on the damnable racist lie that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Africa and therefore ineligible to be President of these United States, a principle, by the way, nearly half of his devoted still cling to. When #45 descended on his golden elevator, he called Mexicans rapists, then banned all Muslims until he could figure "what the hell was going on." But then, not since Lincoln has there been a President who's done more for African-Americans. File that one up there with "birtherism."

Most pundits claim that as a President he's losing the election. Most believe Donald Trump will not be returning to the White House. He'll continue to make noise, of course. Right now he's probably tweeting. His 84% locally will likely cower in fear because rather than their king in the Oval Office, the nation's President will be a senile baby-killing communist.  

Besides, Trump's been really good for agriculture, hasn't he?

As we say out here in evangelical-dom, the Lord moves in mysteries ways, his wonders to perform. 

Have another look at that tweet up top. He fired that one off late on the 3rd or maybe early on the 4th. It makes no sense, none at all, which is why Twitter blocked it, claimed it was at best misleading. Them's the words of our dearly beloved POTUS, our man on the job.

If the New York Times is right, I'm certainly among the elite. Lord knows I have no way of understanding either the man or those who so passionately admire his majestic madness. 


Anonymous said...

agree wholeheartedly.

Just... Plain... Sad.

Anonymous said...

nananana nananana

Hey hey


Anonymous said...

comments like the laughing one above just re-affirms people voting for Trump. Be better then Trump and grow up. Do what he didn't do and unify the country.

Anonymous said...

I think he did unify the country, House is loosing lots of Democrat Congress members because of the Democrats radial non centrist policies.

Anonymous said...

Gotta watch out for those "radial" non centrist policies. Flat tire!

Not to mention the House "loosing" Democrats...

Anonymous said...
Putin will not recognize #Biden as President yet due to the "ongoing legal processes,” says his spokesman Peskov.

And Putin is not the only world leader with an effective intelligence service who knows what's going on.

Chinese president Xi Jinping has so far held off sending a congratulatory message to the new US president
