Morning Thanks

Garrison Keillor once said we'd all be better off if we all started the day by giving thanks for just one thing. I'll try.

Monday, March 02, 2020

Morning Thanks--Home

Double brat, Charcoal Inn, Sheboygan

What's cute, but futile is how some foreigners try to make hard rolls. You can buy them most anywhere, I think, even from WalMart; but if you're going to pick up a dozen from them, wait a day and buy them half-off because what you'll take home are really not hard rolls. I'm not trying to be arrogant. Arrogance is arrogance; truth is truth. Some people do simply know better, and most of them are from Sheboygan County, Wisconsin, a place I still can call home. 

Check out the video some time to see a master chef turn out crusty gold. No techie has figured out how to connect smells to video, but when they do they really ought to start with a Sheboygan County bakery--right here, in fact, where the vowels in every word spoken are dragged into dipthongs to produce that lingual mess, Sheboyganese--not lake as in lake but la-yak is in la-yak. Listen and learn.

Listen to Mr. Navis here, watch him with his precious loads of fresh bread, check out the hard rolls--available only here--and then determine when you can get in a quick trip. Great golf, great brats, once-in-a-lifetime hard rolls, colorful language and--oh, yeah, how can I forget: La-yak Michigan. 

World's best cheddar too, preferably from the factory in Gibbsville. 

Look, Florida's fine, mid-winter. But a Sheboygan brat on a Sheboygan hard roll and January cold's no bother at all.

This morning, I'm thankful for home. Got to get there again.

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