Morning Thanks

Garrison Keillor once said we'd all be better off if we all started the day by giving thanks for just one thing. I'll try.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


I'm painstakingly culling no-reason-to-keep-them blog posts from the 4000+ I've accumulated over the years, tossing out just about everything that has anything to do with politics, not because I've changed a whole lot but because their time, quite clearly, has come and gone. 

Reading over most of them illustrates that Trump has done what his loyalists wanted him to do--shake the place up. He's grabbed (or tried to grab) every institution of government by the throat, even put a new face on our cultural lives (even the church). He's done exactly what the Dems said he'd do: altered American life and democracy for a long time. Love it or hate it, this is the Trump-era.

Remember Sarah Palin? Last I heard is that she left her husband. You didn't know that? That Alaskan pit bull is pretty much off the radar.

This is me writing on September 4, 2008, two months before Obama beat McCain. There's lots of highway between then and now.

According to a new Rasmussen Reports poll, American men would vote Sarah Palin in for President of these United States (49%) before Hillary Clinton (45%). I don’t care what your politics, those are incredible numbers, and they make me question whether what’s there between men’s ears is little more than testosterone. [For the record, Hillary was running against this first-time Congressman from Illinois named Barrack Hussein Obama, as Fox likes to call him still.]

I’ve never been a big Hillary fan. For the most part, I didn’t support her for President because I simply couldn’t stand the thought of her husband in the White House for four more years. But I’ve never hated her, as some do. That hate has to be the reason for the numbers; there must be a deadly poisonous negative vote here—tons of men simply don’t want Hillary. How else can you explain that bozo judgment? [Remember, this was before Benghazi, the emails, and whatever other atrocities Fox and Friends convicted her of.]

Like her or not, Hillary is at least going to do what she promised throughout her campaign for the Democratic nomination: she will hit the ground running on Day #1, as she so famously used to say. Hillary knows her way around. She’d be a formidable presence in the White House.

I’m sorry: Sarah Palin might end up being the very first woman President of the United States. Last night she delivered a stem-winder that may just draw millions of otherwise disgruntled or disengaged voters to the Republican ticket. She sparkled. She’s a brilliantly fresh face. Today, this morning, the Republicans have their own rock star. Send her to Berlin and she’ll drum up a crowd too—more so, I’m sure, than the old guy she’s with [Nasty, Trump-like thing to say about John McCain. I'm not proud of that.]

She could collar scores of ex-Hillary-ites in the next two months, and she may well be as much of a pit bull as McCain can be. She’s already become the cover girl (may I say that?) for married women who want to have it all. Who knows?--she may be sharper than a tack on every last significant issue facing America, but that American men would choose her over Hillary for President, right now, today, having known Ms. Palin for less than a week, is just plain stupefying.

Sometimes the truly remarkable nature of the great American political experiment leaves me slack-jawed. [Still does, btw.] Truly—that the people rule in this country seems, at times, just plain nuts. “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people,” old H. L. Mencken once quipped, and he wasn’t wrong.

But then, shoot, what red-blooded guy doesn’t start snortin’ at a babe with a gun? [You may remember Sarah P loved showing off her fire power.]

Hey, toss me another Bud, man. 

[It's all history now, but that doesn't mean Trump isn't out there lurking.]

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