I'm quite sure I've said this before, but getting myself shut up in a rehab hospital in October had some wonderful blessings--just one was that I could watch MSNBC hours on end. And I did, because every last news anchor who came on hated Donald Trump and what he stood for as much as I did.
My life consisted of being tutored lovingly by occupational and physical therapists. They were all wonderful, and I looked forward to our daily meetings. When they missed coming, I missed them, even though they pushed me around like a 260-pund ragdoll.
Once our time together was over, I'd slink back to my room, with a walker, of course, and take my appointed place in a big fat adjustable chair, put my feet up--a behavior I was instructed to do--and watch politics from my side, the left side. It was great--really was.
Then came the election. On Wednesday, November 6, the world fell apart. When the votes were counted, the Orange Man took back the court and began to build himself a throne.
For the first 20 years of my life, sports ruled my life. I cared a little about politics, but sports were my life, not just playing (everything!) but watching. Nigh unto 60 years later, the old itch returned, so I itched it, watching ESPN constantly. Politics disappeared like winter--all of a sudden, like today, it's fifty degrees out. The Orange Man ran everything.
That immense switch operated throughout the culture, especially with anyone who was a lib. MSNBC lost millions of eyes and determined to shuffle its lineup. Its big stars took a huge pay cut because millions of others, like me, shook their addiction. The survival of the network is in question because its loyalists, like me--are bushed, pooped, plain old exhausted. We took our best shots time and time again against the monster, but he came back up, even though the second verse of his anthem was pure unadulterated bull--he lost the 2020 election, pure and simple.
I've been home for about as long as my retreat at Heartland, but not much has changed, save one aspect of character. When we chose to quit cable to save some bucks, I didn't realize that football and basketball would be unavailable, save some additional streaming subscriptions, in which case our motivation for quitting cable TV would be gone.
So now, as I said last week, I'm just laying in the weeds out here in rural Alton and watching the Big Man, waiting for him to unravel, as he did last week when he freed all those hot shots who attacked the U. S. Capital on 1/6.
He promised he would, so he did, even though some of his steepest buddies had said he wouldn't. No matter, he did. When he was sitting there in one of the castle's chapels, he and his black magic Sharpie, signing issue after issue, he came to the matter of "hostages." There were hundreds, of course, but Donald J. Trump was tired of signing when he could be playing golf.
Plain and simple, he got tired, weary of his well-doing, keeping him campaign promises. So, rather than go through the list one at a time or letting staff make decisions they could have made, he uttered a wonderful Trumpian phrase: "Fuck it! Release 'em all."
Did you get that? One more time for the evangelicals among us;
"Fuck it! Release 'em all."
It'll come as no surprise that the greatest evangelical of them all uses foul language. What's of interest to me is that he got bored, bored to tears, and just released the whole foul bunch. To me, the line suggests boredom.
Me and eighty million others may be exhausted, but so is he. This time, however, he's wearing all the robes. He's the man. He's the government. He's responsible for smashing the evil empire.
He's got all the power he ever wanted and a Fox News commentator who never ran a website now running the Pentagon. Trump can do anything, and he's getting bored.
Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
I'm keeping that in mind.
Since you’re brainwashed by MSNBC. Let’s look at what Joey did shall we? Destroyed Am. energy independence allowing us to depend on foreign energy. Which increased inflation as a result. Embarrassing Afghanistan exit. Promised not to pardon Hunter dozens of times, but did it anyways. Along with other members of his family. Guilty anyone???? Created a border crisis resulting in month after month of record illegal crossings. Bringing with it illegal drugs and 374,000 trafficked children that know one knows where they are. Lying about job creations then having all of his job numbers revised down, many twice. Pushing EV mandates enriching China. Yep… great guy. Oh, and taking more than 600 days vacation (40%) at the beach.
The Orange Man has been more transparent in 1 week than dementia Joe was in 4 years. At least more questions were answered by the new big guy than mumbling, stumbling Joe did in his tenure
It is too bad that the commentator above is as brainwashed as you believe viewers of MSNBC are. Biden's pardons are a mistake in my opinion, but one bad move does not cancel out another. Where are people who will stand up to Trump? He is surrounding himself with only people who will not disagree with him. Why can't Republicans have some courage and stand up for what is right? One can argue about mumbling and stumbling, numbers of deportations (and it would be good to get the facts right, not just from selected sources) and all of that. But you need to look at what is happening to democracy. Look at history, learn what the signs of fascism are, look at how the people in Hitler's Germany acted when he was coming into power. It is happening here.
Trump is now firing Inspector Generals whose job it is to be watchdogs and go after government entities that are not following the law. These people are independent, but it seems that in Trump's views these people would be a pain in his side. That is who he is- don't cross him or you will suffer the consequences. Is this a democracy?
I have to wonder... what is really behind all the immigration concern. Yes, those who enter illegally need to do so legally. My fear is that what so many are really saying is that we white Americans have a "manifest destination" (remember your history lessons? or have you not heard the term) and those immigrants of other colors do not.
Check the facts. Biden did over 8,000 pardons . Trump did a little over 1,700 in his 1st term
Reagan fired all of his too when he toook over. He did hire a few back. Maybe Trump will do the same thing. It’s been the norm to not remove them. Well there’s a new sheriff now isn’t there?
There are over 2M get-a-ways that we don’t know where they are. 70,000 Chinese nationalists are here and are gone. Not counting the gangs released from foreign country jails and insane asylums. We don’t have a safe country by any means. There will be some in house terrorist attacks. Of course you all will blame Trump then for not getting rid of them.
Now AOC is concerned about inflation. And Warren is freaking out over the price of eggs. They should’ve started a year ago. It might’ve helped Joe. Oh I know why the concern about eggs. They are potential chickens. All of a sudden the Dems are worried about the unborn.
Trump: I will do everything I can to punish anyone who disagrees with me. I will raise prescription prices (which Biden lowered). I will cut the US off from communicating with other parts of the world regarding health issues. I will not allow information about bird flu to be released. I will isolate the US and help no one with aide. Who will want to ever help the US the next time we get attacked? Yes, we might get attacked from within. It happened on January 6. And those people were not immigrants.
So now we have a record outbreak of TB in Kansas. Fake news has no idea where it came from.
So you folks are OK with guys playing women’s sports. So much for title IX. And ok with boys in girls locker rooms??? No problem. I see. How about open borders. We’ll never be able to send them all back, get a clue instead of getting all hyped u over it. We had 25k-35 k coming across everyday and we’re only deporting about a thousand a day. Never get them all back. But you’re ok with illegals. Name me 1 country that I can go to and get $5k a month to live on. Plus free healthcare and yes, sex changes paid for by taxpayers. Good deal I’d say. And don’t blame Trump if inflation doesn’t come down right away. It can’t. It might take 2 years for this boondoggle created by the democrats to settle down.
Nobody’s answered the ? if there are more than 2 genders. Dems claim there are. Matter of fact they claim men can have babies. Please tell me how that can happen.
This you won’t hear on fake news. Over 13,000 immigrants convicted of murder are living here now. FACT!!!
Calm down, Anonymous. You're brainwashed too. Have a little self awareness.
I have been to a very poor country and we have NOTHING to complain about regarding the price of food. Shame on us for not showing mercy to those whose stories may not be just like ours. I am not condoning criminal activity. Have you been to the border and heard or seen those people whose hope is to come to a place where their lives are not in danger only to be told that what they were promised will not happen because the app that was created to help the process was shut down. Do you have any idea what it might be like to discover that your sexuality is not just like everyone else's, due to no one's fault? Are these people harming you? They are God's creation too.
As a resident of a southern border state who has friends and acquaintances who have had their ranches trampled, cattle killed, fences cut daily, homes robbed and their little border towns destroyed in the last 4 years by illegals, I’m grateful that these criminals are being sent back to their home countries. Gangs and cartels have made it unsafe to go into the city for dinner and if one braves it there is a high chance that your car will be stolen. Living in the NW Iowa bubble may make it easy to criticize, but come and live the reality of the mass illegal immigration of the last 4 years and you might understand a different point of view.
I lived for 14 years 6 miles from the border. I had many things stolen so I understand what you are saying. I believe that the border should be controlled much more than it has been. The problem is that for my entire life (48 years) we have said don't come, but if you make it.. we will give you jobs and you will have a better life. One person is holding up a stop sign and 10 more are waving illegal immigrants in. You can say that you never have, but everyone in this group has benefitted one way or the other from their work and services.
Now America wants to send them all back. Republican and Democrat administrations have let illegal immigrants in. Both, period. I am all for sending law breaking illegal (and legal) immigrants back to their country. We need to give the law abiding hard working illegal immigrants a path to residency and maybe one day citizenship. It would be 10x cheaper and lucrative for the country to create this program than sending millions back.
Close the border, send the law breakers home, create a program that benefits the country and the immigrants. --- Piet Westerbeek
Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, 4 for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience.
Ephesians 1:18 "I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe....."
It is written: Let him who is without sin cast the FIRST stone.
Jo Ellis, the pilot of the helicopter crash in VA., was a transgender. This will get interesting
An attack from within is what Kruschev, Primie Minister of Russia, predicted in 1956. Quote: "It will not be by Atomic warfare but from within that the US will fall".
That's why Trump blames it on diversity.
That is fake news. It is not true
But that is the sad thing- Trump jumps on false news all the time. He's one of the worst offenders. And remember the clorox thing? Great resume for a President. ( of course he never does anything wrong)
Have you ever seen a President respond to a disaster in such a pitiful way? This says a lot about him, don't you think?
Sure is fake news. A lot like 2 1/2 years of Russian collusion and fake laptop.💻
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