Thursday, December 14, 2023

Luci's Christmas poem

The Schaaps are greatly blessed to be on the Luci Shaw's Christmas card list. She's a wonderful poet who has been writing poems for most all of her 95 years. Although she's done some things in mixed genres, it's likely that her devotional poems are most beloved. I own an anthology of poetry, A Widening Light, made up of poetry created from Bible stories. It must be 30 years old, but I still go to it this time of year because Luci always does splendid things with the biblical narrative, shining out new insight from familiar stories that become, in her hands, new as the snow on everyone's Christmas dreams.

This year Christmas card poem stays in the barn where the baby lay that night in Bethlehem. Luci looks over Mary's shoulder here to be awed by grace itself spun in some barn spider's creative act. 

Merry Christmas, from Luci Shaw--

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