Friday, December 15, 2023

Donald's Retribution


Once upon a time, my son-in-law, a fine political observer, told me Donald Trump was dead in the water. He said it would be impossible for orange man to continue his campaign after throwing John McCain under the bus for, of all things, getting captured a half-century ago in Vietnam. "I don't like losers who get captured," he said, or something to that effect.

"That's it," my son-in-law said, echoing sentiments throughout the nation. "He's done."

That was summer, 2016. Years later, his numbers are higher than ever if you believe the polls.

Lately, I've been trying to explain the Trump phenom to myself in a different way. When he said, most famously, here at Dordt University, that he could shoot someone dead on Fifth Avenue and not lose a vote, what grew exponentially was the fear that he actually could, this itchy, scary perception that he is, in fact, that almighty. He can't be bound. He'll win every court case he's facing and never, ever spend a morning locked up. No one else would sell little fabric chunks of the blue suit he was wearing when authorities snapped that famous mug shot--$3000 for a two-inch square. Trump gets away with it. He gets away with everything.

Everyone's scared of the biggest brute on the playground, and Putin knows it, as do all the world leaders, which is why you should vote for him because once the orange sheriff rides into town there'll be peace on earth with him at the helm. He scares people. What America needs is a tough guy. 

A commercial is playing 24/7 in Iowa right now. It features a spirited Gov. Kim Reynolds praising the King. For thirty seconds she screams at a fanatic crowd that Donald Trump is a friend of Iowa. She's good at campaigning, a popular governor. She's not just a cheerleader, she's an entire cheering section. You can't believe how much she loves the guy. 

But she doesn't. Months ago, she told Iowa voters she was siding with DeSantis, going over to the deep state. Trump is so angry he's spending six-figures on a double-barrel campaign not only to show off what a lovely singer Kim Reynolds was last time around, but also to humiliate the heck out of her. He's spending real money for retribution. That's the man half of the country would like to be President. 

How many ways can he throw people under the bus?

He has no shame, no guilt, no moral compass. That's why he's scary, and that's why the world is better off with him at the helm, or so say his disciples, even those holding open the scriptures before them. 

"I am your retribution." That's the lord speaking, the orange one.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:54 PM

    How many ways can you throw Trump under the bus? Enough already!!
