Morning Thanks

Garrison Keillor once said we'd all be better off if we all started the day by giving thanks for just one thing. I'll try.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

On the birthday of MLK*

To say he came out of poverty would be a stretch. His family wasn't poor, the neighborhood had standing and the house had character. His parents were by no means rich, but neither were they ever destitute. For a black man in the American South, growing up in the Depression, he and his family had a certain amount of privilege. 

As a kid, he played across the street at the local fire station, where the squad--all white--was entertained by neighborhood kids.

They went to church up the block at a place made famous when, as a preacher, he came back to lead the congregation. 

It's called the Martin Luther King National Historic Park because the whole neighborhood seems holy now. Inside Ebenezer Baptist, no one talks much--mostly whispers because his sermons changed everything really. 

That assessment may be exaggeration. After all, this isn't Charlottesville, but it could be.

And the truth is, certain aspects of the old way are gone now, never to return.

But all of that took some doing, and lots of it wasn't pretty. Millions of white Christians considered him a communist. He was trying to upend the system. One of those assessments was true. The other was created from fear and hate.

He spent some considerable time here, thought the cause worth the suffering. 

He wasn't alone.

Eventually, with his inspiration and leadership, thousands marched.

He took his inspiration from world leaders who preached non-violence. 

This is his copy;' those notations belong to him.
* First published a year ago. One additional story: yesterday, Iowa Fourth District Congressman, Steve King, who has, for years, said things most people thought racist, was yesterday stripped of his committee assignments by his own Republican party. Racism isn't gone, but many of us can celebrate that his own colleagues eventually had enough of his race-baiting.


Anonymous said...

What was done to Steve King is very acceptable providing the Democrats in the House do the same to the race-baiters in their own party. The whole issue of race has really raised its ugly head since Obama has been President. Can't help but think of Ferguson, Mo. and the things Obama said

Jerry27 said...

I could write a book about my work at the MLK center. I learned -- among other things -- that Sandy Stephens was a black guy.

It was Bobby Kennedy who approved an FBI probe of MLK.

What motivated -- The Walls came tumbling down -- to confide some of what he knew.

What is ZOG trying to hide in locking up the archives unitil 2040.

A friend from North St Paul claimed all the black kids broke out in wild cheering when word came that JFK was assasinated.
