From Michael W. Smith to a public recitation to the Apostle's Creed, to "Praise My Soul, the King of Heaven," to his son's wonderful spiritual tribute; from readings of scripture (Isaiah 60, Revelations 21), to "O God, Our Help in Ages Past" and "The King of Love My Shepherd Is," the length and breadth of that service, broadcast on every major network, resounded with the Word, and even the Word Made Flesh.
And it's not over. In a yet-to-come celebration of his life back in Houston, the Oak Ridge Boys will be singing "Amazing Grace," just as America's 41st President himself asked.
Conservatives may well claim that their heartfelt opposition to same-sex marriage, for instance, or legal abortion, means they suffer derision and worse in the pervasive secular humanism of the cultural and the times. They may well believe all that confession and profession yesterday was a sham.
For that matter, purists on the Christian left might well complain that the ceremony exuded that potent and frequently dangerous blend of faith and politics, or faith and patriotism. I get that too. But I couldn't help feeling the recitation of the Apostles Creed, heard from Washington to LA, was a national blessing.
And unlike the earlier McCain proceedings in the very same National Cathedral, yesterday's solemn affair carried no mention of President Donald Trump. The Bushes wouldn't have it. Nothing. His name was not spoken, no one drew comparisons, he was never cited, not once. Speakers flailed the Prince of Orange during the McCain funeral; nobody said a word yesterday.
Still, the man managed to dominate--by neglecting to shake hands with anyone other than his immediate neighbors, the greatly hated Obamas, by being the only one who didn't recite the Apostles Creed or sing the hymns, by sitting in that characteristic, stifled position, his beefy arms clasped tightly about his beefy self, in not responding to anything warmly. In his very first tweet after the service he told those on his feed that his poll numbers were up to fifty per cent approval.
The man dominates so fully that it was impossible to listen to any of the preaching or eulogizing yesterday without thinking of the man who was and is and forever shall be the polar opposite of George H. W. Bush, who was cited by all who knew him as humbly devoted to his God, his family, and his people.
Way back at the beginning of the Republican primaries in 2016, we all watched an undeniable phenomenon grow from his every movement. There were 18 men and one woman running for the Republican nomination. They could all be on stage at once, a whole squadron, even a Bush, a "low-energy" former governor. Didn't matter who or how many stood there, Donald Trump sucked the oxygen out of the room, left nothing for anyone else to breathe.
You can only love him or hate him. You simply can't be so-so. Of the Presidents and First Ladies who shared his pew, the only one he hasn't pummeled or thrashed is Rosalyn Carter.
Yesterday, in a wonderful Christian ceremony, a service that had nothing to do with him, a Presidential funeral at which he neither spoke nor was spoken of, his massive shadow still lay over every square inch of the cathedral.
But yesterday he wasn't the big story, and for that all of us can be thankful.
How short-sighted can you be? George H.W. Bush was despised by the press as much as you despise President Trump in your post, just ask Dan Rather.
Trump was a Statesman, you failed with your blog post.
Just thought you'd like to know: I voted for him.
My point, along with Rush, if Bush would have passed away two weeks before the mid-terms all the press-fawning wouldn't have happened. However, his death did occur after the mid-terms. A perfect opportunity to slam Trump by juxtaposing him with Bush. The drive-bys couldn't resist and you didn't either. The guy didn't sing the songs or recite the creed. You took the bait along with the fake news and had Trump for lunch. Is anything sacred?
I took the bait? You mean that Trump deliberately didn't participate the way the others did because he deliberately wanted the drive-bys and me to criticize him? Seriously?
Nope, it is not in your DNA or the drive-bys' to give any positive press [before an election] to a Republican, period. After an election, with the opportunity to stick it to Trump, why not? As I mentioned, during H.W. Bush's 4 year tenure the press had him for breakfast. H.W.pulled a Trump and counter-punched Rather and he about had a breakdown. Later,Rather made-up some crap about H.W's son George's drinking habits and got fired. He never recovered.
Any dictionary: Statesman: "a skilled, experienced, and respected leader or figure"
Retired:"Trump was a statesman."
Illusions never cease.
Sounds like the person who won the last presidential election. I got just what I and 63 million others were voting for. A Statesman .
Trump the Statesman was on full display during the Nancy - Chuck meeting. Transparency and guts. Ready to take a shutdown for the American people.
Nancy and Chuck sat there like deer in the headlights..... Perfect.... What does Trump have to lose? Complete abandonment for the American people.
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