And now it's Rand Paul. He threw his hat in the circle yesterday in an endless hybrid litany of high church ritual and low church charisma. Rand Paul, like anyone named Bush or Clinton, lugs along familial legacy, although his famous father, Ron, never found a home in the Oval Office. But the Paul legacy is very much alive and especially vigorous right now.
I don't know why that's true, but libertarian-ism seems mightily attractive to a throng of millennials who apparently believe, like Thoreau, that government is best which governs least. It's an attractive philosophy to some, a delight to those who've spent their lives with their sleeves rolled, red, white, and blue-blooded men and women who have all kinds of trouble tolerating Mitt's mutts, the 47% who leech off the rest of us.
That kind of hearty individualism has a strong foothold in American life and politics, and therefore always has an attraction, as well it should. A welfare state is antithetical to millions of Americans. After all, that which ye sew, ye shall also reap. You know.
The strength and the weakness of libertarian-ism is that it cuts across standard-fare political ideologies. Some conservatives love Rand Paul--as they did his father--because he despises government. He's a bootstraps guy, and America loves bootstraps. You work and you can make it. That's American word made flesh.
Rand Paul's problem--like his father's--is that you can't really go half-way with this liberty business. If you don't want the government in your pocketbook or your church or your gun room, it makes no sense to want it in your bedroom either. If you just want to be left alone, it's impossible not to think foreign entanglements won't mean more in-your-face government. I mean, who do you think's going to be pay for all that shock and awe?
Rand Paul--like his father--doesn't bow before the idols of what Eisenhower the General called "the military-industrial complex," but how that refusal plays with fellow Republicans who genuflect to Netanyahu is already very clear--it doesn't. The Neo-cons who want to bomb Iran's labs would just as soon that Rand Paul shut the heck up.
Or convert.
And Ron's son Rand has begun to convert on a couple of issues--like the administration's new Iranian peace proposal and that whole thing about gay wedding cakes. True libertarians would live and let live, right? If not, they're not true libertarians. Rand's starting to fudge, something the old man never did.
Does he have a shot at the roses? Who knows? It's clear he can drum up enthusiasm from a crowd that doesn't just look like me, just more retired white guys with guns in their basements (or in their holsters!), a dying breed. If any Republican is going to beat Hillary--or if any Republican is going to be any Democrat--that Republican is going to have to get more votes than the Chamber of Commerce. Rand Paul could just be that Republican, but he's going to have to depart from some Republican orthodoxy.
It's this simple. He may have to support Obama's peace initiative. How's that workin' out for you?
He'll be fun if he holds on to his dad's determined libertarian-ism, in which case, he'll probably lose. On the other hand, if he walks away from the ideology he touts, he'll be nothing more than just another also-Rand.
On that question, the jury is still out. I wonder what the old man thinks.
I love the guy. He will have to be more flexible then his old man, or like you say he will lose. That is the evil of politics I guess.
I wish the world was as simple as you make it sound. If we want more libertarian thinking (which is key to our country's past success in my opinion) we have to keep government out of the bedroom I think you said. Wow how simple it would be.... I think it is a little bigger then that. Think about it.....Based on your "sexual orientation" you will become a protected class and will be federally enforced into every business regardless of the owners beliefs. Does it stop there?
Will non-profits like your beloved Dordt College be viewed as an institution of hate and intolerance in the near future, because they will not hire someone that lives biblically contrary to its teachings? Now a protected class like any minority, because of who they have in their bedroom? Do I care who people sleep with?....... Nope...... Should I have to hire, give benefits too, and include them, because they choose to sleep with someone of their own sex? Nope....
Sit back and think about it.... Really think about it.... do we need to protect those based on who they sleep with? Last I checked people could not get benefits for their girlfriend or boyfriend they live with or have on the side. Where does reason kick in? When does our foresight for what can and will happen kick in?
Ah..... I have an idea....lets do the feel good, PC thing, and be accepting of everything. Live and let die..... I think the hippies said. Let our kids deal with the fallout......
A truly libertarian approach would neither care what happens in the bedroom or in houses of worship. Neither would there be the positive discrimination for marriage and children in terms of tax treatment that we have today. Marry whomever you choose. A true libertarian shouldn't care. Nor would the accepted rules of behavior (drug laws, limits on abortion, etc.) be enforced. Perhaps most important is that their would be no room for social security, medicare, and other social programs that many consider to be an important part of a caring society. Only a minimalist government preserving public order should be necessary. No one realistically expects the USA to go that far. I doubt if us baby boomers will be willing anytime soon to give up our safety net. As long as we keep on voting our self interest, we will not see any major changes in how our government operates. A little libertarian noise is fun, but real implementation is very unlikely.
After watching Megan Kelly and Dana Perino grind Rand into sausage, he will not last.
If he continues to confront female lefty reporters he will be a bully, if he backs off and lets them disguise honest questions with commentary he will be a "Romney wimp". He is being backed into a no win situation and he barely has left the starting gates.
They have his coffin already built.
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