Friday, May 31, 2024

The Chronicles of Trump--chapter 45,786*

Don't know where you were when the jury returned the verdicts, but I was sitting in the car while my spouse was getting some groceries--her ailing husband in the car listening to the radio. I think I was going with someone's quickie prediction--"Thursday out, Friday hang"--hung jury.

It seemed impossible that 12 individuals--I don't care what or where they came from--had to include one Trump backer, one who wouldn't be able to push the guilty button. So when I heard it--it all came out in a mouthful--34 counts, all guilty--I was shocked. 

I won't try to make myself out as a saint. I've said long ago within these posts that I honestly think of Donald Trump as Satan from Paradise Lost, a being with such enviable strength and power that his influence spreads far and wide even though what's behind it is maliciousness of the first order--"me first" stuff, disregarding anything and everyone but himself--and amazingly, getting away with it. Last week he was Hannibal Lector and Mother Theresa. 

Furthermore, it was almost impossible to guess how both sides of the political order would react to any of the three ways the trial could have gone (guilty, innocent, hung jury) because they both would spin it. If Trump won, he'd have to thank the people he'd slung mud at all month long. If he lost, he'd just hoist bigger handfuls.

But I was surprised that the tally was so total. Every last count--guilty! Amazing.

And I am pleased, at least to a point. It's impossible not to assume that Trump and his agency will spin things in a direction which garners more support, more bucks. He's such a victim, you know, and we have to remember that it's us they're after, and he's just standing in the way of evil Biden. Trump is our retribution. You know the rhetoric.

So, now it's over, and the chance of there being more before the election seems slim. Once he wins--if he does--he'll just shelve the others, at least the ones over which the national gov has any say. And it's really too bad because, as many commentators have said, the other three--Maralago Secrets, Georgia vote muscling ("I just need 11 thousand more votes. . .") and the mother load of all, the Jack Smith indictment about the riots on 1/6--none of them will open until after the election.

We ain't out of the woods yet, a long ways from it. Figure on him sucking the air out of the national landscape for a bunch more years. 

And you've got to hand it to him--he's really an orange Energizer Bunny. He's got one heck of a power source. 

But then, as painted in by a blind epic poet, so did Satan.

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