Monday, March 25, 2024


Look, you got to hand it to him. He's my age, for pity sake; in fact, he's two years older. He's about my size too, and he eats like he's 17. He travels over the country, as if Vegas and Mara Lago are twin cities. He has his own plane or two--that helps: he doesn't get stuck in lines waiting to be searched. The man has more get-up-n-go than anybody I know my age. My mother, who liked him, would say he's a man with a whole lot of pep. 

Some days he wins, some day no, but there's not a day on his calendar when he doesn't create a fresh ink spill, or achieve it anyway by way of the cat-scratching mob. A little scandal, well-handled, goes a long ways to keep him in the news. So why not give them something to talk about?

"Remind me--what's the President's name again?--I mean the guy who's running against Trump?"

So it goes. Today too. He's makes the Ever-ready Bunny look housebound. 

According to the website Just Security, he's got two hot buttons today. 

Monday, March 25, 2024

The first one alone would have sacked any other candidate for President in the history, but the last one is can of fireworks. In all likelihood, he'll come up with a buzzer-beater. He's going to tell his admiring throng that he really has no money? Nonsense. Then again, a punch-drunk Trump has used pity to grab dollars for years: "I am your retribution."

And now, today, let's see what's on the calendar of a man two years younger:
  • Garbage out.
Yessiree, that's it. 

I'm saying, you got to hand it to him. He's a man of boundless energies and limitless strengths, a man capable of lying his way through every last 24-hour chunk of his life and, at four in the morning, going on Truth Social and ripping off some guy's nose. Yup, pep. 

He's the Republican party. . .end of sentence. I was going to write "he's the Presidential candidate of the Republican party," but there's no "of's" here. He is the Republican Party and he is running for re-election under a red sea of MAGA baseball caps.

Seriously, he is amazing and far, far more likely to crash-and-burn someday than his aged and sometimes creaky opponent. 

Oh, yeah, one more thing. He's plain-and-simple nuts. He's unable to control himself. Just this weekend he told whoever was listening that he has 500 million in cash. His lawyers, just a day or two earlier, said, under oath, that he didn't. 

Have no fear. Gird up your loins because Donald will find a way out, and when he does, some evangelical preacher with a on-line church and a hot podcast will announce to his thousands of parishioners, once more, that the fact that the man just keeps going is proof he's not 'of this world'--he's the MAGA Christ. 

It'll happen because it already has, more than once.

Grab the popcorn, take a seat, and get ready for today's show. Well, be sure to take the garbage out. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:08 PM

    "When the ship is going down -- follow the rats," was what H.L. Menken advised.

    I hear Jerod Kushner is excited about investment opportunities in Gaza.

    Trump ran on America First but delivered "Israel First."

    Just as McCarthyism was a set up by Bernard Baruch -- Trumpism must be staged by some principal,

