Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Let me gloat!!!

"According to a new poll from CNN, a majority of Americans want to see a verdict in the Jan. 6 case before they vote in the election. It’s vitally important that we find out whether the former president did what we all saw him do on television or not." Jimmy Kimmel Live just last night.

Pardon my gloating, but our side so rarely notches clear and indisputable wins that when we do—and trust me on this one: yesterday we did!—it calls for a morning full of joyous expletives, or if you’re a Calvinist, at least a few well-aimed exclamation points! Let the fun begin!

The prince of Republican politics, Rep. Mike Johnson, had a bad day. Just for the record, so did the King. For those of us on the often silent, truth-and-goodness side, we couldn't have done better.

First, this sad and silly determination to impeach Joe Biden's border czar, Mr. Mayorkas. Regardless of what you feel about the Biden administration's policies on the border, Mayorkas would have been--and still may be, or so that pillar of righteousness, Marjorie Taylor Greene promises--impeached. That's never happened before in the history of the republic, a man or woman tossed from office, not for "high crimes and misdemeanors" but because the wholly Trumpian Republicans had determined it would be fun to hold hearings for week after week, scoring points with the Orange Man's throng. They finally brought the thing to a vote yesterday, and, lo and behold, two Repubs voted against it, thus defeating the motion.

Thus was this pet issue the non-wokers have used for months soundly defeated, and, what may be worse, the child prodigy of the religious right, Mike Johnson, got mud all over his sweet face because the golden rule for any Speaker of the House is that he or she should never, ever bring a vote to the floor that he doesn't know ahead of time he's going to win. The fact is, the Democrats could have pantsed him right there in the House Chamber and the embarrassment couldn't have been greater. 

For a young man who claimed Jesus himself told him to take the reigns of the House  Republicans, I can't help but wonder if the Speaker wasn't listening to Jesus when he should have been counting votes.

And there was more, much more. The long-awaited ruling on Donald Trump's bonzo claims about immunity for a president or ex-president was finally handed down. All of those from my side of the political divide claim it's brilliantly written and argued, and that in all likelihood the Supremes, a nine-person gang stacked with Trump appointees, won't even bother considering it, given the decided rulings of the three-judge appellate that heard the case a month or so ago. 

Trump lost. Sing  it from the mountain tops! Trump lost! He sure as heck did. He was arguing that he couldn't be held libel for anything because, after all, he was king, the holy ruler of his kingdom. Three judges--all women!!--said "bullshit." And that ended that, or so we hope. What fun! What a day!

And more. A perfectly reasonable right-wing, conservative Senator from Oklahoma--need I say no liberal hot bed--worked feverishly with a Democratic sidekick to come up with something to end the madness at the country's southern border. By all accounts, it promised things to the American public that clearly indicated this deal was brokered, things most Democrats would have real trouble buying. Nonetheless, these senators did it--they created something both sides could live with. In other words, they did what people send reps to Washington to do.

Alas, the word from the Orange was that he'd just as soon solve the border problem himself. Thusly, his minions caved, claimed it wasn't tough enough for the right-wing gunslingers, and threw Senator Langford, from Oklahoma, under the bus--he's already been tossed out of his state's Republican party.

Madness. But then, what else might one expect from Marjorie Taylor Green and Ted Cruz? Madness. Chaos.

Not to be seen as nay-sayers, the Republicans then brought a bill to the floor of the House, something meant to fund Israel and make them look good. The Demos, and a number of hard-right Repubs--killed that one too. The Dems claimed the bill was a ruse to cover Republican no-vote on the compromise bill hammered out painfully and signed off on by the President, a bill that would have changed our policy on the border, funded Ukraine and Israel, the bill the Repubs dumped because they want the Orange Man to do the job once he becomes the American potentate, assuming he will, of course. 

Let me count the ways. Yesterday, the Republicans lost two major attempts at legislation, embarrassingly too, and a load of kryptonite was delivered to Superman's castle in Florida.

Yesterday was a good day!!!!


  1. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Minion madness. Yep. And yesterday: many miserable minions.

  2. Verlyn De Wit8:55 AM

    Well said, Jim! Thank you.
