Friday, December 29, 2023

Saying no to the Orange Man

Here's Donald Trump during the primary season in 2016. He's at the BJ Haan Auditorium, and just about to tell the audience and the world that he is himself shocked at the immense loyalty of his following. "I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and never lose a vote," he said--or something like it, and that line, spoken there, turned out to be immensely prescient. It's true and still is. It's impossible for me to guess what might make his minions lose heart or allegiance. 

That Trump would like to come back to the BJ Haan on the campus at Dordt College is understandable. Any appearance there would be historic, not simply because he's an ex-President, but because it would remind a national audience of the immense resonance of his prophetic judgement in that single, oft-quoted line. So, my guess is his people tried to line up a date for another Dordt appearance.

Dordt said no. That's a story.

I don't care how it came about, who did the heavy lifting, or why someone or other shut the door, but I'm proud of the institution I attended years ago, the place where I taught for most of my life. I don't care if the reasons for the marriage of the institution and the ex-President had only to do with procedure, something in small print, I am thrilled that there is some "incongruity" between Donald J. Trump and Dordt University, because there is and there dang well should be.

People don't often say no to Trump. When it has happened, that no has created some untoward effects. Trump's army takes care of business for him. I can't imagine that the administration at Dordt isn't already getting some raucous testy emails and flaming text messages. Trump's loyalists don't like their savior, their "retribution," scorned.

But I'm happy--and proud. I'm all for free speech, and I think it's just fine that the whole rally thing was passed along to another venue in town. That I would hope people don't listen to him doesn't mean I think he has no right to speak. News stories claim it was a question of format that undid the union--political candidates are invited to campus to talk to and with students all the time, but not just to have a rally. It seems the Trump team didn't really questions, said it was a rally or nothing. DU admin then advised them them to look for another venue.

That's just great. I'm happy.

And proud. 


  1. Anonymous3:02 PM

    I’m glad you’re happy and proud because I am not. Have you watched the Fall of Minneapolis? That is exactly what the Democrats are doing to Trump. Go Trump!

  2. Hallalujah! I am so glad that Dordt made this decision. I was so afraid that Dordt would invite him again or consent to his coming back. Go Dordt!

  3. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Dordt was not endorsing Trump by their inviting him. Dordt invited all viable candidates to participate. Trump refused to play by Dordt's rules of the game.

  4. Dordt is trying to play neutral. While I don't agree that one can or should in any case play neutral in the case of Donald Trump, I am glad that they have the "out" by saying that Trump's camp will not play by their rules of the game. Do I wish that my Alma Mater would stand up and tell it like it is: that Trump is the the antithesis of anything remotely Christian? YES! I wish that the representatives in Northwest Iowa would do it as well.

  5. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Do not vote. It only encourages them.

    We (the Dutch) should get Manhattan island back.


  6. Anonymous3:50 AM

    Are you suggesting that a representative from Sioux County shoot Donald Trump as he walks the Dordt Boulevard about to enter the B.J Haan Auditorium? The event would be a profound demonstration that the representatives deplore Trump's character and his political protocol. I am confident that the news media would capitalized on the endeavor for a considerable amount of time.

  7. One of the sad problems of our culture is that some are quick to talk of killing or shooting persons without realizing the serious ramification of such actions. Jesus had something to say about that. I find it so sad that so many evangelical Christians have no problem with a man who talks freely of killing, threatens anyone who disagrees with him, and is filled with a desire for revenge.
