Thursday, October 05, 2023

My crystal ball

I'm sure I'm not the only weary Democratic traveler, but it's fair to say that I'm among a minority here when it comes to distaste for Donald J. Trump, a man who has so poisoned the culture that it's difficult to imagine anyone doing anything worse. Not that long ago I stumbled on his remarkable resemblance to Milton's Satan in Paradise Lost, an archangel who, tossed from realms of glory, looks almost sympathetic as he determines to live as if he weren't a million furlongs from grace. Readers love his willful waywardness.

But he is Satan.

We're at yet another moment when Donald J's allure is not only crumbling but festering. New York courts say he's swindled the government. His vast holdings have been put into jeopardy. He may have to cough up enough filthy lucre to finance city government. Yesterday, his mild-mannered judge screamed and slapped a gag order on him after he published the name of an officer of the court.

He faces indictments too numerous to mention. The Orange king will be in court more than on the front nine, near future. Not that any of that will darken or dampen his misplaced adulation among the MAGAs, no matter what he opines or who he impugns.

Let me tease out something from my crystal ball, which is, I'll grant you, little more than a wish list. In January of next year, Sioux County, a bastion of the political right, is going to dump Trump. 

Call it creeping senility or dream-gazing--call it what you will. I'm saying there are enough good people in this county who know the last thing this nation needs is four more years of madness, especially when those years could be led from behind bars. My neighbors will choose someone else--Scott, Haley, Pence, DeSantos--hopefully not Vivec, or the deal is off.

I'm thinking (not betting) they're going to take Trump down. Days like Tuesday's mad dysfunction in the Republican Party will take a toll. The thousands of dyed-in-the-wool Republicans in the neighborhood are smart enough to realize that if eight blowhard Trumpites can bring about pure chaos, the party ain't a picnic. Kevin McCarthy went down, the first time in American history a House of Reps sent a speaker packing. He went down because eight Trump loyalists ran him out--eight MAGA nut cases.

Next January, I'm saying a majority of the neighborhood's generational Republicans will tell themselves (in privacy, I'm sure) that four more years of Donald Trump is not a good idea, then dump him in the primary election, and, on their way home, stop at the cemetery and explain to the staunch Republican ancestors rolling over and over how it was necessary.

Siouxland voters will crash Trump's 2024 party. That's the blessing I'm hoping for. We've suffered through 80-20 here for too darn long. People know better. The man's a creep and a charlatan, and certainly not "a baby Christian."

I say, it's going to happen. In the 2024 Presidential Primary, Trump gets whacked and whacked good when votes are tallied here in Sioux County, I hope he's fourth.

Impossible? Just let me dream.  

By the bye, The Hill says it too, although they claim that when Trump goes down, he'll take President Biden with him. They're mortal enemies, but they're also fraternal twins--i.e., the only way Biden can win another term is if he's running against Trump, and etc. You can read it here.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:41 AM

    We can not all die on the battle field fighting against the enemies of "America First."

    But some of us may be granted that.

    by Michael Walsh

    ONE DAY an awakened United States will emerge from the Jewish chrysalis. Pennsylvania Avenue will then perhaps be renamed Elizabeth Dilling Avenue. Today, slumbering in their Jewish shroud, few Americans have heard of a lady whose visage should replace the Statue of Liberty.

