Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Morning Thanks--for the season


I'd say "they're back," but in truth they've never left, just taken on some darker fashion choices for the winter. "They just seem especially bright this spring," someone said last night. 

I doubt it. I'm guessing they're no more kin-to-the-sun as they've ever been; it's just that with their return--they're the Iowa State Bird after all--we've all now entered something approximating summer. I know, I know--it's in June, at least another month officially. No matter, if you live in the region, you can't help but think that happy days are here, after three or four absolute blessings in a row, now and then a sweet interval of rain, too yet.

Makes me happy to be an Iowan. Look at this guy! You can't help but be tickled it's spring. 

And this guy too, although for him Siouxland isn't home. Won't be long and that bright orange plumages will grace someone else's backyard feeder. Still, that he gives us a week or so, is a sure sign of grace.

And the backyard's shaping up under a sunshine quilt. In the city down the road, the tulips up and down the streets are promising to be breath-taking for festival time next week. 

It's almost summer, and the what's outside my window has reopened to the big colorful world all around. It's wonderful, and I'm thankful. 

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