Thursday, April 06, 2023

Missed my daily turn


Sorry I missed you, but last night and then again this morning, I spent some time in the emergency rooms in the Orange City Hospital. Pain--lots of it--triggered both trips, the second, this morning, when the pain hadn't relented.

Seems I have pleurisy, which sounds somewhat medieval, but, after two visits to emergency, I'm happy to say that pleurisy is the best case scenerio                                                                                                          after two visits to emergency.

It's now Thursday afternoon, and I'm sitting here feeling much better, although tired from missing sleep last night. The doctors say I'll be just fine once the virus becomes a victim of my immune system. 

Just thought I'd let you know. 


  1. Missed you too. Be well.

  2. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Glad you're doing better, Jim!

  3. I know the feeling! Get well soon!
