Monday, April 03, 2023

Asa in 2024

Seems to me that we should start here: he calls himself an evangelical Christian, is a graduate of Bob Jones University, and each Sunday morning tweets out a Bible verse, no invective, no bloody criticism of libs, no fisticuffs, just a Bible verse.

Former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson has a kind of "aw, shucks" demeanor totally unlike the current headliner in Republican Presidential politics--you may have heard of him?--Donald Trump. Hutchinson scorches no one, scrambles for middle roads, and doesn't toss raw meat, willy-nilly, to crowds waiting to engorge it. My guess is that he doesn't think of himself as a victim of anything other than grace itself and therefore doesn't spout the nonsense that energizes weird patriotism.

Tomorrow morning, when Trump gets himself finger-printed, booked for the first time (more's a'comin'), Asa Hutchinson won't be running off to the nearest microphone to talk about how criminal it is for a State's Attorney to go after such an innocent man. Won't happen because Asa Hutchinson is a moderate, the kind of voice and soul that the Donald calls a RINO. If Trump dislikes the guy, he's got to be worth a second look. 

Asa Hutchinson's entrance into the 2024 Presidential sweepstakes is a wonderful thing because he's never been a Trump lapdog, always been critical, not meanly so either. He's always been wary of the entire package of Trump's messy belligerence and never been particularly secretive about it.

Does Asa Hutchinson stand a chance? Probably not. He's the kind of quiet guy the Big Bad Wolf devours before breakfast (remember what he did to "low-energy" Jeb). To Donald, he's just another comb-over with a drawl. The afternoon the Asa profile appears on his radar screen, the Orange Man will baptize a nickname in the shaking of a lamb's tail. Just wait. 

But what the Republican party so sorely needs is not another xerox copy, like De Santos, another lib-smashing hero who says the United States is going communist at the whims of some world Jewry cabal or because trans people even exist. What the Republicans need is someone to stand up to Trump and tell him he's sorely unworthy of the most powerful political office in the world. What the Republicans need is someone whose conservative credentials are everything Trump's ever were, but loose-tongued, a conservative who's not a creep. It's time the Republicans face the fact that Trump is mad-crazy.

Would I vote for Asa Hutchinson? I doubt it. He's that conservative. 

But is he good man? Yes. And he may not brag about it; but, as a Republican at this point in time, like few others, Asa's got guts.

Tomorrow Trump gets himself arraigned in a New York court. Just about every Republican near a mike thinks it's a travesty. Maybe it is. But I'm guessing no one in that bunch of sweethearts really believes that Trump didn't dance with a porn star, then pay her off royally to keep her big mouth shut before the 2018 election. No one doubts he did it because, well, he's Donald J. Trump. Of course, he did.

The vast majority of conservatives, like Asa Hutchinson, went full bore after Bill Clinton for his infidelities. Today, they think of their Savior as a victim. Poor guy.

Asa Hutchinson is among those few Republicans who've said that Trump shouldn't be President, and his conservative credentials are sterling. I hope his candidacy goes and goes and goes. He'd be a good for America. 

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