Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Morning Thanks--the morning after

We're still a long way from home, but we're down the road apace after last night's election. That Mr. Walker wasn't cut out to weigh the difficult issues of the day was as certain as my never turning into an Olympic hurdler--I wasn't cut out for the job. Mr. Walker was better than anyone at beating linebackers into butter, but you know and I know he would never work out a plan to deal with the problems at the nation's southern border or find a way to deal with a railroad strike.

He came to the election--his second in a month--having been chosen by the man who is with each passing day illustrating anew how unfit he is and was for office, the mighty Prince of Orange, a man who just told the nation and the world that Joe Biden should be removed from office so President Narcissism could claim his rightful place, having won the 2020 election "in a landslide." If need be, he said, the constitution should be terminated for him to get the justice he deserves. He said that. He actually said that.

Although Mr. Walker's concession speech was really touching, humble and not Trumpian, his loss is attributable, in part, to his being a less than quality candidate, but also to the fact that more Georgians than not believe it's not in the country's best interest to continue going a-whoring after Donald Trump.

I'm thankful that Rev. Warnock won, but I'm deeply thankful for what Governor Brian Kemp did in the November election--looked in the eyes of Donald Trump and said, "big, frickin' deal." Kemp started the rebellion; Mr. Walker's loss may have signaled the win. 

It's not easy to be thankful about anything connected to politics in this country, but nobody ever said democracy was pretty or neat. If we want to move forward, you and I and the woman down the block, the trans girl behind the counter, the guy with guns hung in the back window of his muddy pickup, we gotta' somehow find a way to live together, right? Sure, good luck with that.

On this morning-after, I'm thankful for the outcome of last night's election because in all kinds of ways I think Rev. Warnock's election will prove itself to be good for this country.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:02 PM

    I just read that Trump's as campaign still owes Sioux City 11K. I bet they'll never get it. Sad.
