Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Highway humor (sort of)


You can't help but commend the guy's devotion. Singing the praise of your candidate is red-white-and-blue Americana; voting is a privilege, a right, and a responsibility. 

What's more, mean winds blow out here in northwest Iowa. Building a frame for a big sign proclaiming the candidate(s) of your choice bespeaks a real depth of devotion. This sign shall not be moved and still stands, today, just down the road, almost twenty months after the 2020 election, a testimony to the owner's adoration. 

But not his smarts.

This dynamic duo certainly is no more. If the Trumpster runs again, the silver-haired ex-senator won't be there beside him. The Prince of Orange almost had his VP hung.

Today, this old sign is, well, black humor. But who will break the news to the guy who put it up? 

Nope, not me. 

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