Tuesday, March 01, 2022

40-miles of death and destruction

This is evil.

This is the forty-mile convoy of Russian military equipment still on the road to Kyiv, capital of the Ukraine. These are the armements that will reign more than terror down on the old and beautiful city and bring death and destruction to thousands, maybe even millions. 

The Ukrainians have will. Armed with their own indefatigable determination to be free, they will, ultimately, prevail; but prevailing will come by way of the deaths of thousands. 

This forty-mile caravan is a military target so obvious and inviting that it's a wonder some other world power hasn't already strafed it with air power. Within minutes, I'm thinking, forty-miles of death could be forty-miles of burned-out wreckage. American jets are not the only ones who could do it, but the caravan or horror won't stop rolling along. Instead, this evil serpent will continue to writhe along to Kyiv until, battle ready, the carnage will begin. It may already have.

And why won't NATO or the US destroy kill the snake? Because sorties would risk an escalation prompting Putin to deploy nuclear arms. If he does, the entire planet is at risk.

Everybody knows it, and thus the world kneels before Satanic madness. Putin, who couldn't care less about human suffering, has his finger on a trigger more horrifying than can be imagined. 

Ukraine is bleeding out its life right now because a madman has the entire world at his feet.

Isn't there someway of taking him out and ending this hellish madness? 


  1. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Once again the golden rule applies. Biden shuts off American Energy. Buys from Russia which in turn finances the death and destruction. If American had remained energy independent, we could have supplied Europe and the world, driving Putin to his knees. Now he has the gold so he makes the rules

  2. It is marvelously reassuring to blame Biden for what Trump’s friend Putin is doing, killing children, attacking moms and dads and kids. Fits the Trumpian worldview perfectly, but I’m not buying it for a second. Sorry. Biden didn’t do it. Trump didn’t do it. Putin is doing it. He is evil.

  3. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Yes. Putin is evil. It's that simple. Looks like our friends the Irish may have been responsible for the stalling of the 40-mile Russian convoy.

  4. Anonymous7:23 AM

    In Ukraine, it looks like the country’s Jewish president Volodymyr Zelensky, despite having just a state salary and having been a moderately successful actor and comedian, has somehow managed to graduate to the billionaire class himself, with more than $1.2 billion stashed in a Costa Rican bank. It seems certain oligarchs have helped him achieve this astonishing feat.


  5. Anonymous10:07 PM

    There's zero evidence that that's true.

    You should be ashamed of spreading lies and hatred.

  6. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Thanks for the response to my comment.
    It is "info" I got from national vanguard.

    I lived in the Twin Cities most of my working life and was blessed to spend time at the Ukrainian American center there. Next chance I get, I will ask Ihor what is going on in Ukraine.

    EMJ at cultural wars.com credits Vicotria Nuland with the war in Ukraine. EMJ seems to thinks Putin is merely rescuing Ukraine from today's Bolsheviks.

