Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Breathing again

So, in case you missed the latest, yesterday a judge formally denied a Trump request that notes and emails concerning the January 6th "whatever-you-call-it" will be opened up for the world to see. Ex-President Trump, always concerned for the wherewithal of others, had sought to keep documents from the press, lest some future Pres be victimized by the fake-news crowd. 

He has such a big heart, always concerned about the other guy. 

No, said Judge Tanya Hicks (a woman, so how can Trump get a fair hearing from a woman?). "Presidents are not kings," she wrote, and then, "And Plaintiff is not President." Only the President, who is not Trump, can determine privilege claims. 

All of that is yesterday's news. Today, there will be more. During the primaries that ran up to the 2016 election, Trump had a habit of sucking up all the oxygen in the room. He might have shared the stage with 99 others, but the Orange Man would get all the ink.

Not much has changed. Didn't change during his Presidency--he still commanded all the news networks, regardless of their particular bent on his crookedness. He dominated the news, all of it, even the "fake news."

And today he still sucks up all the oxygen, even though he's retired at a resort in Florida. Every day, an abundant surf of news breaks over him. He bathes in it. Always has.

(By the way, he and his lawyers have already filed an appeal to the Hicks ruling. It ain't over.)

Those of us who never liked him get weary. Every day news breaks about how far umpteen legal troubles have gone. Some famous people needed only 12 disciples. Trump has fifty lawyers. Maybe more.

Eleven months ago, on a beautiful day in Georgia, the soon-to-be ex called Ben Raffensburger (who's written a book and become a celebrity!). Trump told guy, Georgia's Secretary of State, to "find" the 11 thousand votes it would take his majesty to bring him over the top in Georgia, thus giving him the Peach State's electoral college votes. 

It's. On. Tape. Listen in the comfort of your favorite rocker. It's likely you have.

The man is guilty of a thousand crimes. He's a mob-boss, a divider, a bully, a meglo-maniac narcissist who almost single-handedly shut the door on democracy in a country whose laws he swore to uphold.

I don't care about punishment. I don't believe in a noose or a chair or some evil cocktail of drugs. I don't even care if he ever goes to jail. I just want him to be judged guilty for what he did. I want the Supreme Court, his Supreme Court, to deny his 10,000th appeal, just as they denied whatever evidence his cronies gave for massive voter fraud. I just want some judge to say, "Mr. Donald J. Trump, you're guilty."

No more breaking news. No more tax fraud, Hatch Act, Georgia vote tampering, or instigating a coup on January 6th. Any one of the dozen or more will do. 

Justice delayed is justice denied, some say. Others claims true justice is, sadly enough, agonizingly slow. I don't know who or what to believe. All I want is a chorus of judges to tell the man plainly and finally that he's guilty as sin. 

Then at least some of us can breathe again.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:34 AM

    While I am not a Trump fan, your blog has been devoid of any criticism of Biden and his VP. We have such a mess in this country with inflation, border security, product shortages, etc. The Democrats own both houses and the Presidency. Where is the outrage? Where is fairness of realizing that while Trump is not a great guy (maybe criminal as you say,) the vast majority of Americans are hurting due to Biden, his party, and their policies. It's not fake news... it's fact. Even CNN has gone after Biden. That's saying something.
