Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The lay of the land

In November of 2008, when the nation had just elected President Barack Obama, the percentage of Americans who called themselves Democrats (53%) quite significantly bettered the percentage who called themselves Republican (37%). Because that was true back then, commentators began to talk about the death of the GOP. 

Just a year later, however, that difference narrowed dramatically--44% claimed to be Democrats, 41% Republicans. Today Republicans control both houses of the legislature and the presidency, not to mention a majority of state houses and governorships. Rumors of the death of Republicanism were embarrassingly premature.

For decades, Democrats outnumbered Republicans. Still do. But a higher percentage of Republicans go to the polls, in part because they are both older and wealthier. 

So it's a little premature for Democrats to crow over what's happened since President Trump came into office. Excess glee could come back to bite you, as it has in the past. 

But, for Democrats, there's reason for hope because the numbers nationwide are moving, once again, in the opposite direction. The number of people who claim to be Democratic is seven points higher than what it was when Trump took office. The Democratic party is growing. The Republican party is not. 

While, the percentage of Republicans who stand behind the President hasn't changed-- 82% still back the President--surveys indicate there are simply fewer Republicans. Republicans still love him. Democrats hate him, and Independents, more each week, don't like him. If trends don't change, other Republicans may begin to talk about running against him in 2020. 

Why? When, several days ago, Senator Kirsten Gillebrand called for the President to resign because of the volley of accusations from women, she triggered the President's ire, which notably doesn't take much. Yesterday's tweet storm included a line many--most--found especially repulsive, given the attention the nation is giving to sexual harassment. Trump trumpeted that Ms. Gillebrand “would come to my office ‘begging’ for campaign contributions not so long ago” and then added, in parenthesis that she would “do anything for them.”

Sarah Huckabee Sanders claims only those whose minds are "in the gutter" would read that as sexual innuendo, but many did. Thousands. Millions. Including the editorial staff of USA Today, who rarely engage in the fisticuffs going on around President Donald J. 

"With his latest tweet, clearly implying that a United States senator would trade sexual favors for campaign cash, President Trump has shown he is not fit for office," they said. And then, "Rock bottom is no impediment for a president who can always find room for a new low." And there's more:  "A president who would all but call Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand a whore is not fit to clean the toilets in the Barack Obama Presidential Library or to shine the shoes of George W. Bush."

USA Today is in the gutter, I guess. Fake news.

But there's more: "This isn't about the policy differences we have with all presidents or our disappointment in some of their decisions. Obama and Bush both failed in many ways. They broke promises and told untruths, but the basic decency of each man was never in doubt."

Yesterday, Mark Galli, in a Christianity Today essay titled "The Biggest Loser in the Alabama Election," surveyed the damage being done to the Christian faith: 
No matter the outcome of today’s special election in Alabama for a coveted US Senate seat, there is already one loser: Christian faith. When it comes to either matters of life and death or personal commitments of the human heart, no one will believe a word we say, perhaps for a generation. Christianity’s integrity is severely tarnished.
Those harsh words may explain another phenomenon. Just a few days ago, Pew released polls indicating that support among white folks has dropped from 49 to 41 percent, just as it has dropped among those 50 and older, from 47 to 38 per cent.

But here's another: the percentage of Trump supporters who call themselves "evangelical Protestants" has also dropped since he took office, from  78 percent to 61 percent. 

Just for the record, I'm over 50, white, and for most of my life considered myself "an evangelical Protestant."

Last night, Trump lost. He chose to campaign for Judge Ray Moore, chose to have one of his campaign spectacles in Pensacola, Fl, close enough to rile Alabama voters to cast their ballots for a man plainly neanderthal--Muslims should be denied public office, the nation would be better off without constitutional amendments allowing women and African-Americans to vote, practicing gays should be imprisoned--all in the name of Jesus. Oh, yes, this too: the American family was better off during slavery.

Last night, Moore lost. So did Steve Bannon, big time. So did Donald J. Trump. Forty per cent of the electorate turned out in Alabama.

This morning, that's the lay of the land.


  1. Anonymous3:46 PM

    I am a Republican.. A conservative one at that..... yesterday was a lesson in Morals..... I don't like the Democrats positions on much, but he needed to win against Moore.... It was just the right thing that needed to happen. Trump backed the wrong horse and he needed to lose. It was not a party vote at that moment...It was a message that woman and children must be respected and protected no matter the political fallout. The Republicans should have turned their back on Moore, but didn't......We paid the price

  2. Sadly, Republican conservative Christians voted for a pro-abortion left-winger. Gillibrand had no trouble taking 6 grand from Trump as a donation and found Bill Clinton a welcome campaign partner. Sad...

  3. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Pro-aborts do not respect children or women. In the end, one has to answer the basic question, is abortion murder? That is the dilemma when voting for a candidate who is liberal and pro-abortion.

  4. I am in reading it all. I like the Press Secretary's response. He baits the scum, and up it floats. His opponent, the Democrat Party is still the "Party of Baby Killers". They approve of the selling of baby organs for profit. Also. what's the Democrats problem with the Jewish State?

  5. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Nearly every opinion listed by the first anonymous is BANANAS.

  6. Anonymous10:36 AM

    What is "BANANAS" is your complete lack on an argument. Small mind to criticize and not back it up with an argument. I have no problem with you disagreeing with my points, I have a problem with you not backing it up. Kindest regards, The first Anonymous.....

  7. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Since you are blinded by your opinions, not fact:
    "Yesterday was a lesson in morals". 1 percent difference is a lesson in morals?
    "I don't like the Democrats position on much, but.." Abortion? That's a biggie.
    "Just the right thing that needed to happen". Abortion enter into your equation?
    "Trump backed the wrong horse". Trump was for another horse in the race, actually.
    "Women and children must be protected". OK, abortion?
    "We paid the price". Not yet. Those aborted babies' lives are on your head, Mister or Ms. Morals.
    This was a quick reply. I have no desire to continue. Your #NeverTrump campaign has been sick from the start. You and Mr. Schaap can wallow in your sorrows alone---no more time will be devoted here to reading any political crap. Again---sick.

  8. Anonymous5:00 PM

    I am with you on Abortion, but we can't let that one issue determine everything else in politics. It is a big issue, one of the largest, but that does not excuse us from supporting our party when it is in the wrong on a certain issue. Now, according to you.... you wont be reading this message. I dare bet your ego led you back.... Cheers my Republican friend,


  9. Anonymous10:33 PM

    I am the person who brought up abortion in the first place. Abortion is a non-negotiable item and solely binary. The light switch is either on or off. [no dimmer switch]

    "but we can't let that one issue determine everything else in politics" is a ridiculous statement. If you have no value for life, I could care less about your 'positions on everything else in politics' since they are not founded on Truth. Since you have no respect for life, your motivation for your political positions are founded on "what"? Abortion kills female children and scars women for life. "Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember?" Wake-up!

  10. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Over sixty-million babies have been sacrificed at the altar of convenience in the United States.

    Just as Abel's blood cried out from the ground so too are those who have been killed as a result of the Roe vs Wade decision. Hillary, in debating Trump, haughtily pronounced that she was for third trimester abortions and touted this position as a "women's right to chose".

    The first time I ever heard of that logic was when I learned in Sunday school that Eve exercised "her right to chose" and opted to be like God in the garden. Death was her decision, a completely self-centered action that chose death over life.

    So here we are. We have citizens like the person who signed on as Bananas making statements like "but we can't let that one issue determine everything else in politics". Wake up! Our nation will pay. These lives will be avenged...

  11. Anonymous5:45 AM

    There is only one way out of this pickle, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. We can let that one fact determine everything else in politics. Wake up!

  12. Anonymous7:31 AM

    A slogan I have encountered over the years is that "there is no such thing as absolute truth -- only competing narratives." I suppose it comes from the Talmud.

    I have encounted feminists who like to say that "If men had abortions, they would be a sacrament." I not inclined to confront this kind of mindless rage, because I fear that they might have an abortion just to taunt me.

    What is possible in this in this age of white genocide? Jumbo jets bring in foreign women as tourists to have their anchor babies. Local athorities are punished for asking for any sort of id to prevent voter fraud.

    Some people -- Simpson (Which way Western Man) think that holy men and their holier women pitch the woo of absolute truth -- to disarm any sort of realistic political resistance to Tamudic domination.

    Most people think it going to get worse b4 there is any white awakening to racial and sexual realities.

    On last Christmas Eve, George Ciccariello-Maher, an associate professor of history and politics at Philadelphia-based Drexel University, set social media ablaze after he tweeted, "All I want for Christmas is white genocide."


  13. Anonymous8:12 PM

    You know Adam and Eve were white......🙄

  14. Anonymous7:40 AM

    When is comes to agit/prop -- if it works use it.

    You know Adam and Eve were white......??

    The normal avenues of communication are closed to the white race. People have to be dehumanized b4 they can be exterminated.

    For family reasons, my motivation for trying to annoy people on the internet is to link them to my expose "American Esther -- How Amelia Earhart saved the white race."

