Monday, November 20, 2017

Justice for Slick Willy

That I never called the guy "Slick Willy" doesn't mean I trusted him. I didn't. Not even before Monica. I voted for him once, but not twice. An old friend of mine used to say Bill Clinton is the kind of guy who'll shake your hand and pee down your leg at the very same time. That old friend is a bona fide liberal.

I opposed impeaching him. The whole intern business was eighth-rate sleaze, but--and I'll admit it--until the blue dress, I was skeptical of the others, "the bimbos," as some called them, "trailer trash." Once Bill Clinton said "I did not have sex with that woman," once he flashed that crooked pointer, it was hard not to believe any accusation.

Still, thumbing him out of office seemed a stretch. Kennedy would have been long gone, and Eisenhower, and who knows how many others? What he put the country through with Ms. Lewinsky--and the bald-faced lie he told--was, to me, unforgiveable but not impeachable. "The Big Dog" seemed an apt nickname. Or "Commander in Briefs." Or out of them.

But another nickname was probably most fitting: "The Bill we'll be paying for years." Clinton is haunting us now, even though his wife is already largely disgraced. He's not dead, but he hovers over everything like some Halloween monstrosity. When he got on Loretta Lynch's airplane down in Phoenix and claimed the two of them talked about whatever but not whoever, who could believe "Willie the Weasel"? Hillary's ill-fated Presidential bid went down for a dozen reasons, but that stupid venture onto a Phoenix tarmac had to be up there with the other flashing headlines.

Divine justice, right now, is front and center. The articles of impeachment got tossed twenty years ago, but Clinton's foul behavior didn't. When Donald J. Trump brought the Clinton accusers along to the second debate and set them in the front row, he did something he didn't need to because they were there anyway.

"Access Hollywood" you say? Big deal. Locker room stuff. You want indecency?--have a gander at the Clinton girls. That's Trump scuz, but Clinton's reprehensible behavior made it work.

Right now, the list of abusers in this country is as long as your arm--I won't bother with names. But Bill Clinton's reputation--which was never sterling--has fallen off the table because it's painfully obvious that very little separates him from Bill Cosby. Unlike the holy Judge Moore, Clinton never trolled malls looking for high school cheerleaders; but the President of the United States lied, flat-out, to an entire nation he'd been given authority to lead. He told people he was feeling their pain while stabbing them in the back.

"He who sups with the Devil had best use a long spoon" is a proverb that isn't, but could be, biblical. With Bill Clinton, I'm glad to say the old wisdom works twenty years later. I don't think Ken Starr was right. I don't think Clinton's lying about Monica Lewinsky was an impeachable offense. But the Big Dog left us knee-deep in dirt we didn't clean up, and thereby created a place for Donald J. Trump to leave his. 

Right now, that Clinton is despised again, even by his own, is only right. The impeachment failed. He stayed in office but fell from grace--if he was ever there. 

I'm not happy he's down, but you can't help but enjoy a reckoning, seeing just rewards in operation. 


  1. Anonymous3:07 PM

    "...but the President of the United States lied, flat-out, to an entire nation he'd been given authority to lead."

    Jeepers Jimmy, as I read the line above I thought for a second you were writing about Obama. My mistake. "....if you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan, period."

  2. Anonymous1:41 PM

    In the 70s, I read about an overworked surgeon in the novel CANCER WARD. He reached the conclusion that the only thing women are good for is to keep men from doing important stuff.

    Some day I hope to look James Schaap in the eye and ask him if his dad heard anything about Amelia Earhart on that pacific barge in the good war.

    Jerry Hoekstra
    October 19 ·
    Shared via AddThis
    America's Esther: How Amelia Earhart saved her people.
    If the American zombies are ever to wake up, they will have to accept the truth about Amelia Earhart. In the years b4 Pearl Harbor, the enemies of the white race were desperate to rescue Joe Stalin from the Germans.
    The conventional wisdom is that Esther saved her people. I would like it also to be conventional wisdom that Amelia Earhart saved her people. But people have come to accept the notion of "fake news." Everything about Amelia Earhart on tv or in the newspaper has been false. Accepting the truth about Amelia starts one on the road to accepting what Uncle Sam's wars are about.
